Link Group's Fundraising Page for Muskan Foundation For people with multiple disabilities
Donation Period
Until 31st December 2023.

Bank Details

For Indian Contributions
Bank: UCO Bank
Account name: Muskan Foundation for People with Multiple Disabilities
Account number: 17310110005781
Branch: Kalanagar Branch
IFSC code: UCBA0001731
Address: Patrakar Co Op Housing Society Ltd, Gandhi Nagar Kala Nagar, Bandra East, Mumbai – 400051, Maharashtra, India

For Foreign Contributions
Bank: State Bank of India
Account No: 40108597143
Branch: New Delhi Main Branch
IFSC code: SBIN0000691
Address: 11 Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110 001
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* Kindly intimate on contact@muskanfoundation.org.in while making donations to above mentioned accounts.


Sponsor one month special education for a child with multiple disabilities
We run 6 centres in Mumbai in Bandra, Goregaon, Parel, Byculla, Panvel & Kalyan for children with MDVI (Multiple Disabilities & Vision Impairment). Our children require education like every other child. Special education is provided for children from the age group of 5–17 years where we try to make the children self-sufficient and teach them some pre-vocational activities so they have an idea as to what they would like to pursue in the future along with required therapies. We teach them ‘Activities of Daily Living’ (ADL) and other basics like maths, languages, arts and crafts to ensure that they become independent in life and can lead their lives without assistance. An apt therapy is selected and complemented with special education. There is no better learning than incidental learning, so we take our Muskan children to public places once a week like markets, temples, churches, hospitals, parks etc to get a feel of regular places. We need your support for overall development of the child. Teaching models, aids & special equipments – Rs. 1,000 p.m Field trips & recreational activities – Rs. 1,000 p.m Operational expenses – Rs. 1,000 p.m Admin expenses – Rs. 2,000 p.m Total Cost – Rs. 5,000 p.m per child

Support therapies for a child with multiple disabilities for a month
For the overall development of the child, therapies are equally important. The apt therapy is selected and complemented with special education. Keeping the child’s age in mind, he or she is enrolled in an early intervention program or the special education programme. Each child requires 16 therapies every month. Based on the needs of the child the following therapies are offered at Muskan:
1. Vision Rehabilitation Therapy
2. Physio Therapy
3. Sensory integration Therapy
4. Occupational Therapy
5. Speech Therapy
It cost (Rs. 300 per therapy x 16 therapies per month) – Rs. 4,800 p.m per child

Help a MDVI child to socialize by sponsoring one month in the early intervention course
The early intervention with MDVI (Multiple Disabilities & Vision Impairment) children includes a well-structured process of assessment, diagnosis and consultation as early as when the child is only three months old. In order to roll out an effective programme, we begin with assessment with a multidisciplinary team assessing vision, hearing, intellectual capacity and physical capabilities of each child. Early intervention is provided to children from the age of 0-5 years. These children attend classes 3 times a week for 2 hours a day. We have special educators who teach children small day-to-day activities. We work along with the parents to start developing the physical and emotional skills of the child. We work on expressive communication at an early age. We also empower the parent with the required activities to take with the child even when at home. Education materials – Rs. 500 Craft materials – Rs. 500 Toys & puzzles – Rs. 500 Admin expenses – Rs. 1,000 Total Cost – Rs. 2,500 p.m per child

Parents Empowerment and counselling
When a child is born with disability, the parent’s feeling of vulnerability often results in stress at varying levels that ultimagtely impact the well being of the family. Muskan Foundation’s association for parents and professionals conduct regular empowering sessions for parents of special child. Your contribution can enable them to get more such sessions which ultimately pave right environment for development of special child.

Joy of Giving for supporting and educating children with multiple disabilities.
Experience the joy of contributing to the lives of children with multiple disabilties, your small contribution will make them a long way in the path of their development.

Corpus Fund
Corpus fund is considered to be the capital of the organisation. The fund is generated and kept by us for the sustenance and existence of the organisation. The Corpus Fund is of paramount importance to the organisation as it helps during the times of distress. Only the interest/dividend earned from it is accumulated or utilized for general purposes. It is required for the smooth sustenance of the organisation. We are currently trying to build a corpus fund of 12 months’ of expenditure of the organisation thereby ensuring a smooth sustenance. It will help reduce financial vulnerability and thereby help us achieve our goals.

General Fund
General fund is created and maintained by our NGO to cover general expenses not specific to a project/cause/need. This helps cover expenses vital to the running of the organisation. Expenses such as administrative expenses, various overheads are paid from the general funds. Most NGOs maintain a general fund to help them meet the donation gap created when donors donate only to a specific project/cause/need or any unexpected expense which may arises during the course of running the organisation.