
India is home to between 21-70 million people with disability.
Despite advanced Governmental policy, PwD are subject to harsh deprivation in many dimensions of their lives. Social attitudes and stigma play a leading role in limiting the opportunities PwD have for full participation in social and economic life, often even within their own families.

Layers of Disability in India

But PwDs are not one, homogenous group - there are varying levels and degrees of disability, that mean some individuals face greater challenges than others. Of all these, there is one group that is by far, the most marginalised and under-served within the broader Disability context – people with Multiple Disabilities AND Vision Impairment.

Children born with multiple disabilities and vision impairment (MDVI - as opposed to a single disability) are among the most vulnerable in the world and the least likely to receive an education.

Without reliable systems of identification and intervention, Children with MDVI and their families face a life of isolation, stigma and exclusion.

Existing health and education systems cannot accommodate the needs children with MDVI.

They are often left at home or in institutions, cut off from the education system. The majority remain isolated and often locked up at home.

What is MDVI

Current Gaps
Unfortunately, India’s education, health and non profit systems are not equipped to meet the unique needs of this highly vulnerable section of society. There are many gaps in service provision which present insurmountable hurdles for Children with MDVI and their families:

Delayed Intervention

Lack of Trained Professionals

Inadequate Number of Organisations