Put a Smile on the Face of a Child with MDVI!
More children with MDVI in Mumbai need our help! With your support they can join the Muskan Family and reach their full potential in life!
There is a role for everyone in play – individuals, corporates, non-profits, governments. Children with MDVI are the most marginalized of all PwD in India, but we must work together to ensure that they do not waste away at home.
With your help, Muskan will give them the wings to fly.

Our Future Plans

A lacuna exists for children with MDVI in India, and Muskan aims to expand its reach and impact in Mumbai in the coming 3 years, to address this pressing issue. We need your help to achieve our strategic priorities.

How can you help?
There is a need to create opportunities and conditions for each child with MDVI to live with dignity, to achieve his/her potential and to thrive! But we must act now to provide opportunities for children with MDVI - the most marginalized of all PwD in India - to ensure that they do not waste away at home. There is a role for everyone in play – But we must work together to support children with MDVI and give them the wings to fly.

Child & Event Sponsorship
Sponsor the Special Education or the Therapy Costs of a child. Provide sponsorship for conveyance, and medications for children with MDVI.

MDVI Centre Grant
Help us establish a new centre and its programs; or support and existing centre by helping with our infrastructure and funding are programs

Training & Advocacy Grants
Help us educate people on MDVI by supporting sensitisation programs at schools, corporates and colleges; or help fund a training course.

Contribute to the Corpus
Help us build a Rs. 2 Crore Corpus Fund to support our long term sustainability and growth.

Bank Details

For Indian Contributions
Bank: UCO Bank
Account name: Muskan Foundation for People with Multiple Disabilities
Account number: 17310110005781
Branch: Kalanagar Branch
IFSC code: UCBA0001731
Address: Patrakar Co Op Housing Society Ltd, Gandhi Nagar Kala Nagar, Bandra East, Mumbai – 400051, Maharashtra, India

For Foreign Contributions
Bank: State Bank of India
Account No: 40108597143
Branch: New Delhi Main Branch
IFSC code: SBIN0000691
Address: 11 Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110 001

* Kindly intimate on contact@muskanfoundation.org.in while making donations to above mentioned accounts.
